Scope of Supply
The supply includes the technical audit and coordination of studies protections in Elevatory Station Alenquer IV.
System Description
The protection system includes electromechanical relays and analog electronic technology relays:
- Input Network 30 kV: Sprecher+Schun MU1 e MUT1;
- Motor-Pump Groups 6 kV: CEE IMM 7990
- Transformer 30/6 kV: CEE ITG 7163, ITT 7610 e ITG 7114
- Bar 6 kV: CEE TTG 7133;
Description of Activity
In this order were including surveying services (“site survey”) on the site to collect relevant information for this study, the overall assessment of the MV network, the development of MV network improvement suggestions both, functionally and operating, analysis of the current used protection parameters and suggestions for improvement of the protection system.
With the completion of the studies was issued by ENGIPROT a final report with conclusions of the audit and the document with the Protection Coordination Study.
The experience of ENGIPROT in the area of control and protection systems, allowed to client do one update and validate the parameters of the protection functions, and get an over view of the installation status.
At the same time, allowed obtain a set of technical recommendations which will justify the actions to be taken at the facility, for your update and increased functionality.