Final Client

Scope of Supply

O âmbito de fornecimento incluía a elaboração do documento de especificações técnicas do Sistema de Proteção, Comando e Controlo (SPCC) a integrar no projeto prévio do aumento do níve lde tensão de 60 kV para 220 kV na Subestação da Sakthi da Maia.

System Description

The system includes an underground cable panel 220 kV for interconnection with substation of Vermoin REN, whose requirements the level of protections, Integration with SCADA, Telecommunications and count must comply with the requirements of REN for SPCC. Includes one transformer panel 220/60kV and integration of new panels with the existing installation, including automatic tilt between the feeders 220kV (REN) and 60kV (EDP).

Description of Activity

The ENGIPROT team was responsible for the analysis of particular requirements of the expansion for installation, specifications REN applicable to the SPCC for install with the expansion, ensuring compliance with the requirements imposed by REN for interconnection to the National Transport Network.

The ENGIPROT also made the analysis of the best functionalities for integration with the existing installation.

Based on this analysis the ENGIPROT prepared the technical and functional specification document to be integrated in the previous project work.

Customer Benefits

The experience of ENGIPROT with SPCC used by Portuguese utilities REN and EDP, and the knowledge of the requirements of the type of installation,allowed to customer reduce the time needed for studies and drawing up of functional specification.

At the same time, it obtained a embracing specification that allows progress to the project development phase with a solid foundation.